Wait, what? Does the title say it's not my fault? Let me say that again. It's NOT my fault, and its not your fault either.
Hi, my name is Lana Sherman and I, like many others, suffer from depression and anxiety. Without getting into too many details, I will say I was abused by my father, starting at a very young age lasting into my young teens. And it completely DESTROYED me. I was left with no self confidence and no self worth. Thoughts of hate for myself and my father. Thoughts of suicide and thankfully, one failed attempt. Thoughts that I didn't belong in this world, and everyone would be better off without me. During this time I hit the lowest of lows, and barely made it out alive. I've had to fight for my life like I never thought I would before, and its taken a lot out of me.
That's enough about me though I think, I'm not here for pity. I could go on and on about the things my father did to me, and maybe I will in the future, but not now. I don't need anyone to feel sorry for me, because I am beyond that state. What I need, is to be able to share my story and help others. To give you the hope I never had.
Fun fact about me, I am FINALLY in therapy with an AMAZING therapist, and my goals with this blog is to share all my victories through my journey of healing, and hopefully have an impact on others. Wether you suffer with depression/anxiety or not, it is SO important that we make people with depression feel like they are OKAY. That they are safe, loved, and that is it NOT THEIR FAULT. For so long I felt like it was my fault that I had depression because I was TOLD it was! You read that right. I was told it was my fault for thinking the things I thought, and feeling the feelings I had. And when I was told it wasn't my fault, my jaw dropped. Those words felt like something from a dream. All these years, I felt like there was something wrong with me. I felt like I had to be extremely broken to feel and think the way I did. But guess what? I am a little broken, depression is my life, and that's okay! Sure, its not great, but its who I am. It is a huge part of me, and I am learning how to live with it. Because the chances are, I will always have it, and so will you my friend. So come along, I invite you on this ride with me. It's going to have some bumps and sharp turns, it's not always going to be pretty, but I hope it will be inspiring and encouraging. Heads up, I'm not the best driver ;)
Choose life always,
Lana ❤
"It's a long road, but it's worth it"
Love you dear girl, and so proud of what you've accomplished! Well done with this blog, you are helping yourself and others xoxo